A child has about 2,000 days from birth to kindergarten. Of Aurora’s 20,000 children between birth and five years, nearly half will not be ready for kindergarten because of factors such as poverty, homelessness, language barriers and unidentified developmental delays. This places them at high risk to struggle in school and drop out of high school.
Identify families with children who are at risk of not receiving vital supports and resources and help them enroll in early childhood learning and development programs and services.
Children enrolled in early childhood programs and services demonstrate greater success in school and life. On average, each $1 spent on early childhood development creates a 13% return on investment through increased school achievement, healthy behavior and adult productivity.
Your financial support allows SPARK to change the outcome for children who need our help the most. We appreciate your contribution to a child’s positive future – the greatest return on investment.
NOTE: You will be redirected to Fox Valley United Way's website to make your donation.

A child has about 2,000 days from birth to kindergarten. Of Aurora’s 20,000 children between birth and five years, nearly half will not be ready for kindergarten because of factors such as poverty, homelessness, language barriers and unidentified developmental delays. This places them at high risk to struggle in school and drop out of high school.
Identify families with at-risk children and help them enroll in early childhood learning and development programs and services.
At-risk children in early childhood programs and services demonstrate greater success in school and life. On average, each $1 spent on early childhood development creates a 13% return on investment through increased school achievement, healthy behavior and adult productivity.
Your financial support allows SPARK to change the outcome for children who need our help the most. We appreciate your contribution to a child’s positive future – the greatest return on investment.
NOTE: You will be redirected to Fox Valley United Way's website to make your donation.